“Mirror Mirror” Summer Diary 2024 Entry 1

“Mirror Mirror” body image.

As a child, I grew up chunky until around age 15, then I lost a ton of weight without even trying (my doc attributes that to puberty). When I was younger, I always wanted to fit in body size wise. I grew up in a pretty much petite family, so I felt like throughout my childhood I stood out as the “bigger” one. It was hard, but not a daily struggle back then. When you’re young, you tend not to have a care in the world, until those  one or two random family members you see every blue moon and the random mean kids at school reminds you of how fat you are compared to the rest of your family and playmates, then you start paying extra attention to smaller people, not having a clue as a child how much genetics played into body size.  Fortunately enough for me, I  had a loving grandmother and mother who reminded me of everything else that made me a special individual.  

Some winning advice I’d give to parents that have overweight children that may experience teasing/ comments from family members and playmates would be to constantly remind them of their good qualities, things that make them unique. Remind them daily of what makes them unique. Remind them that God loves variety and made everyone different purposely. Remind them that what God gave them internally will bless others tremendously one day.  Also, have them pick out praise worthy things in people that go beyond “physical appearance” when discussing friends and family members. 

Fast forward to summer 2024. I still haven’t lost my baby weight from my second child, who was born with the biggest, brightest personality and a cute little face to top it off. He’s truly my “grand finale”. The weight was moving faster when my older daughter was my son’s  age. Daily, I long to be back to pre pregnancy or wedding day weight, but I have to constantly remind myself that my body was borrowed to create a miracle, and in due season I’ll reel it back in. So now I’m having to really practice what I preach. Not only do I have to constantly remind myself of what God placed in me internally ( a warm friend that loves to laugh, garden, read magazines, buy pretty trinkets, be surrounded by beauty in nature and architecture and of course I can’t leave out my gift of gab!!!) but I also have to remind myself physically of things that make me unique that I’ve had since a child that have “so far”, stood the test of time (big hair and big brows, tiny eyes when I smile!). My spirit has been reminding of this winning Bible verse during my season of physical changes/stagnancy as I approach 35 in the fall as a momma of 2.

Matthew 6:28-30

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you

 I pray that God will continue to take care of me, because if he clothes the flowers in such beauty and splendor, I know he sees me as beautiful and has given me more beauty than I can imagine, because I’m made in his image and carry his spirit :)  

The information provided herein is the author’s opinion and is provided for entertainment purposes only.


“Stateside for the Summer” Summer Diary 2024 Entry 2


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