Ring Ring!School’s In! Summer Diary 2024 Final Entry.

Whew it feels like school just dismissed for summer break! But here I am, year 11 as a school based SLP(speech language pathologist)! This year I’ll be at a new school with new friends that will have speech therapy as apart of their day. Here’s some small “winning” advice for the school year:

  1. The new clothes, the new book bags and lunch boxes, new teachers and friends is oh so exciting, but keep that same prep and enthusiasm as they are learning new subjects and content. Please take into consideration their “glows” (things they are good at) and “grows” (things for improvement) seriously when that 1st progress report/ report cards comes home. Let the teacher know how you prefer communication as well (email, text, phone).

  2. Remind them that their character and the way they interact with their peers and teachers is just as important or more than academics.

  3. I get asked this question a lot as a SLP. Parents will tell me, “I asked my child how their day was or what they did, and they can’t come up with a response.” I would rephrase this question using smaller parts of the day to ask about. For example, Did you read a story today? What did you eat for lunch ( even if you packed it for them, they still need to know the difference between breakfast/lunch and practice their memory skills), can you name a friend you saw today?  Did you slide, swing or run at recess today? 

  4. Parents of children that have 504s or IEPs, if you’ve forgotten what was on it, lost your copy, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask your team members!! In fact, never be hesitant to ask about anything, so we all can constantly consider  what’s best for the student :).

Happy 2024-2025 school year yall!

The information provided herein is the author’s opinion and is provided for entertainment purposes only.


Nobody Knows That I…


“Daydreaming of Fall” Summer 2024 Diary Entry 3